Interest Groups ARCHIVE

Ongoing Activities and Interest Groups – check online newsletter for specific events and dates. –

Birthday Celebrations – Each month members who share the same birthday month gather to celebrate their birthdays and to become better acquainted.  Celebrations can be lunch, dessert, happy hour, or whatever your group agrees on for that month. Monthly organizers are needed to decide a location, date, and time and to notify other members with birthdays that month.  Contact Rose Rosenthal to volunteer as the organizer for your birthday group.

Book ClubsSeven book clubs read and discuss classic or contemporary literature, mysteries, and history.  Call the coordinator of the book group to join that group or if you wish to visit a specific meeting. Check the Book Clubs webpage for Coordinator names, reading lists, meeting dates and tis.

Bridge – Fun and friendship await you in the two active bridge groups.  If you are interested in getting on the sub list or would like more information, call one or both coordinators listed below.  Check the monthly newsletter for additional information.

2nd Friday – Duplicate Bridge (11:00 a.m.)  Cheryl Smith, 402-651-2445
3rd –  Thursday (10:30 a.m.)  Peg McNealy, 281-679-7299

Byway Birders – We enjoy the beauty and fascination of birds in the outdoors through field trips to the greater Houston area. We also take some trips around the state. The group welcomes novice and experienced birders. Spouses and friends are also welcome. The only requirements are binoculars and flexibility. Our schedule may change due to weather and location of best birding. To add your name to the Byway Birders List, email Pat Dach at or Bernice Hotman at

Cultural Activities – Members sponsor day trips, which may include lunch at the participant’s expense. Everyone is invited, but reservation are required. Guests will be accepted if space permits. Trips will be made on Precinct 3 county buses.  Precinct 3 rules require that riders must ride the bus both ways. No one-way trips are permitted. Details of trips will be announced in the AAUW-WHC newsletters and emails.  To join the group email either Jane Wood at or Mary Andersen at

Garden Divas – The Divas love adventures with the environment, plants and garden education. Group outings include nurseries, educational events and area gardens.  We always meet for lunch to discuss our visits.  When possible, the events will be scheduled for the first Tuesday of the month.  Times will vary pending the locations and some are actual events that may be on other days, so please check the monthly newsletter.  The group will carpool when applicable and leave from Memorial City Mall.  Members volunteer to arrange the monthly outings.  Contact Susan Boone at or 713-854-7537 to be listed for meeting notifications.

Gourmet Dining – This group is a merging of the Classic and Nouveau Gourmet groups,  The group meets the second Saturday of alternate months at 7:00 p.m. (unless there is a conflict cause us to reschedule).  Members take turns hosting.  About three weeks before the dinner, a menu and recipes will be sent to the group members.  Each person who attends brings a dish chosen from the planned menu, and the total cost of the dinner is divided equally among all who attend.   For further information contact the coordinators: Barbara Cook 713-705-7832 or Kris Bybee-Finley 304-610-8708.

GREAT DECISIONS – Great Decisions is a discussion program based on topics selected by the Foreign  Policy Association, The materials consist of a book and a DVD published by the Foreign Policy Association that covers the global issues to be discussed.  Meetings are held from February through May.  Tuesday and Wednesday group meetings are held via ZOOM.  Members share responsibility for leading discussions. All AUW members are welcome.

Great Decisions Inside the Loop  – This group meets every other Tuesday at 3p.m. For more information and to be placed on the contact list, contact Pat Thomsen at 0r 713-302-8899 or Linda Marlin at or 713-469-0856.

2nd and 4th Wednesday Evening Group – This group meets from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday evenings.  Individual members as well as member husbands participate in this group.  For more information and to be placed on the contact list, contact Willette Norman at or 281-450-=8875.

Hiking Honeys – This vibrant group[ of women enjoys hiking a variety of trails in the Houston area on the 3rd Thursday morning of the month from September through May.  We would love to welcome new members to our group.  If you would like to join the group or get more information on specific hikes, contact Sara Dalton at or 281-693-3824 or Mary Ann McMordie at or 713-806-0106.  Details for each month’s trek will be announced in the monthly newsletter.

Vicarious Voyagers – Vicarious Voyagers rise like the Phoenix!  This is an interest group for those who want to explore travel destinations and share personal travel experiences.  Do you have 30 or 40 photos of one of your holiday trips that you can put on a jump drive and share with the group?  Afterwards we share a potluck lunch.  Fun, friendship and interesting ideas await you.  Check monthly newsletters for specific information or contact Hazel Kjos at or 713-499-9668

Updated 2/13/2024