-Welcome to the West Harris County (TX) Branch of the American Association of University Women-

WHC’s New Member Coffee on Saturday August 17th

at  **Tracy Gee Community Center** 

Please join AAUW-WHC members for light refreshments and coffee as we introduce you to the upcoming 2024-2025 activities.
Informative tables will be set up so returning members, as well as prospective members, can sign up on the spot for a myriad of exciting activities.

Please email Kris Bybee-Finley to RSVP for yourself and provide the names and addresses of prospective members and friends you would like to invite at AAUWWHCMembership@gmail.com or call  304-610-8708.

**Note change of venue**

Branch Recognition Luncheon at KP’s Kitchen

AAUW-WHC’s annual Spring Lunch will take place on Saturday, June 15 from 11:00 am to 2 pm.  The venue will be KP’s Kitchen located at 8412 Interstate 10 Frontage Rd., Houston TX 77024. The cost for the lunch is $35 per person and you should already have received the RSVP and menu options and where to send your check. Kind reminder: Please RSVP by June 1 with your menu choice.  Attached form

At the lunch we will recognize this year’s recipients of the Thomsen-Baker-Telfer scholarship and install the incoming 2024-2025 officers for the West Harris County Branch. In addition, our guest speaker will be WHC member, Valerie Koehler, owner of Blue Willow Bookshop in Houston.

There will not be any branch meetings over the summer. Our first branch meeting is scheduled for September 21, 2024. Please also note the VP of Programs is happy to receive any suggestions for speakers for the upcoming year.

If you have any questions, contact Lilian Care, tigermoon1@sbcglobal.net

Have a happy and safe summer!

Lillian Care
Program Vice President

Guest speaker: Valerie Koehler
Owner of the Blue Willow Bookshop in West Houston

Publisher’s Weekly 2023 named Valerie one of two independent booksellers for taking a courageous stand against Texas House Bill 900, a controversial book banning law in our state.


This webpage was last modified: June 2, 2024

Introduction Video

Texas AAUW Membership Flyer
link to more information

Legacy Circle

Ever since working on 5 Star Recognition for our branch last year, I have been very curious as to what was involved regarding becoming a Legacy Circle contributor. Legacy Circle has come up again in the next generation of 5 Star. My quest was to find the easiest way to set up a Legacy Circle bequest and then encourage other branch members to look into doing the same thing.  Legacy Circle funds promote equity and benefit women and girls in the future.

My first step was to check out AAUW National’s website and then contact a representative of Legacy Circle. I did not want to set up a trust, change my will, or affect any other retirement programs I already had in place. I found out all I had to do was set up a savings account at my bank naming AAUW as the Paid-on Death (POD) beneficiary.  You don’t need to open the account with thousands of dollars, a few hundred will do! Most banks want a minimum of $200.00 to open an account. Then, over time, you can add funds as you wish. Even after setting up the account, if you need to withdraw any money in the future, you can do that!  Not my intention, but good to know I have that flexibility. Once you have opened the account, you fill out a simple form called Legacy Circle Enrollment Form and forward it to AAUW National.  That form can be found on the national website.  AAUW Leave a Legacy

If anyone would like to know more, feel free to contact me.  I want to encourage other WHC members to participate in Legacy Circle now and in the years to come.

Rose Ennis
Past President, WHC


Member News Notification

Please send Becky French (bfrench1@flash.net), Corresponding Secretary, any news about our members they give you permission to share.

This year we are sending digital birthday cards to all members for whom we have dates, so if you’ve had a birthday since mid-July, please check your email inbox for a card. We hope you enjoy them.

 Becky French
Corresponding Secretary

To ensure that you do not miss any communications from the Branch, please send updates or corrections to your contact information to                 
Mary Andersen:    aauw.mary.andersen@gmail.com