Check the Newsletters
…for updates and specific information for groups each month
All activities are open to everyone and are listed in the monthly newsletter along with the groups’ coordinator. If you see any activities that interest you, contact the coordinator to be placed on the group’s contact list.
We join for the mission and stay for the wonderful friendships of vibrant, interesting, intelligent and fun women.
We have 7 different book groups who meet once a month to discuss pre-selected books. There is a group for a variety of reading tastes from history and mystery to contemporary fiction and nonfiction and outstanding literature.
- Afternoon Contemporary Literature Group – Cheryl Smith
- Contemporary Readers Group – Sharon Pope and Cathy Urquart
- Enjoying History Book Group – Nancy Gusler and Nancy Guilloud
- Evening Contemporary Literature Group – Jo Glidewell
- Mystery Book Club – Melba Armstrong
- Outstanding Literature Group – Leigh Pappole and Pat Pease
- ZOOM Eclectic Book Group – Carolyn Morris and Pat Thomsen
Cultural Activities
This is one of our most popular groups. Each month the group travels via Precinct 3 bus to varies interesting spots in Houston and surrounding areas often with a tour guide to enhance the experience. – Jane Wood and Mary Andersen
The Garden Divas
This is another very popular activity group. Participants love adventures with the environment, plants and garden education. Outings include nurseries, gardens and educational events.
– Susan Boone
Great Decisions
There are three Great Decision Groups that meet in the spring to discuss topics selected by the Foreign Policy Association which cover global issues.
- First and Third Thursday Afternoon Group – Martha Ewell
- First and Third Tuesday Afternoon Group – Pat Thomsen
- Second and Fourth Wednesday Evening Group – Willette Norman
Byway Birders
Participants in this group enjoy the beauty and fascination of birds through field trips in the greater Houston area and around Texas. -Pat Dach
This group enjoys cooking and sharing dishes from the pre-planned menu at each other’s homes. -Barb Cook and Kris Bybee-Finley
Hiking Honeys
This vibrant group of women enjoy hiking a variety of trails in the Houston area.
– Melba Armstrong
The WISE Group
WISE stand for Women in Stem, Enrichment and Education. This is a study/action group which explores current research and participates in Houston STEM initiatives.
-Rose Ennis and Karen North
Bridge Groups
There are currently two bridge groups that meet in members’ homes. Both accept new participants as subs. – Peg McNealy