
AAUW Texas State 2022 Outstanding Member Awarded to Carolyn Morris

Zoom Queen, that is how Carolyn Morris has been designated and
applauded by the AAUW-West Harris Branch (WHC)! The Covid pandemic demanded much of Carolyn as WHC’s President-Elect (2019-2020) and President (2020-2021) that had never been asked of any other branch president over the years. Her leadership and organizational skills were evident throughout this period clearing the way to success…(read more)



AAUW Texas MAP* Award—2019
Membership: The branch can achieve a M for membership by increasing membership by 5% OR having a retention rate of 90% OR recruiting three new members.
Advocacy: The branch can achieve an A for advocacy by planning one mission-based program or event.
Philanthropy: The branch can achieve a P for
philanthropy by donating $5 for each member to the Tyler Branch American Fellowship #4268

AAUW Texas Top Branch in Donations to AAUW Funds

2nd place in 2019
5th place in 2018
1st place in 2017
1st place in 2013



AAUW Texas Outstanding Member Award
Diana Guarniere 2018
Margaret Carlson 2010

AAUW Texas Outstanding New Member Award
Betty McCutchan—2012

AAUW Texas R.E.A.P.* Recognition 2010-2012

*Research, Education, Advocacy, Philanthropy

AAUW Texas Pearl Award 2009, 2010

Mayor’s Volunteer Houston Award 2008

21st Century Award 2002-2008

Eleanor Roosevelt Fellowship
Susan Boone 1990-1991
Remi Willoughby 2002-2004

Excellence in Education Award for Websites – 2004 Texas State Convention
Parade/NFL Community Quarterback Award 2003
Excellence in Education 2003 – Engineering, Science and Technology Council of Houston
AAUW Educational Foundation Grant – 1995

AAUW 5 Star Branch Award 1993-2000