Thomsen-Baker-Telfer STEM Scholarship 
The 2024 Application is now closed.
The Selection Committees have begun meeting to select the three recipients of this year’s scholarships. Winners will be contacted before mid May.
Scholarship Objective: Encourage young women to pursue the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics at the university level.
Scholarship Sponsor: American Association of University Women, West Harris County Branch,
Scholarship Selection Criteria: An evaluation committee made up of board members receives the applications and selects one (1) recipient per year from each of these ISDs: Alief, Houston, and Spring Branch. Winners will be notified by mail or email by the middle of May. Names of winners will also be posted at
Application: Online application will open February 1, 2024. Check back on or after that date for a live link to the application.
Application Deadline: Electronic submission by Monday, April 15, 2024 by 11:59 pm.
This means the application must be received by this date and this time. Only complete applications will be considered. You may submit one application. If you receive notification of financial aid after submitting your application, please notify the selection committee via email:
Applicant Requirements: Must meet ALL of the following requirements:
- Female high school senior pursuing collegiate study in the STEM fields with a combined score of at least 1050 in the reading and math portions of the SAT or a score of 21 on the ACT
- Must be enrolled as a full-time student in Alief ISD, Spring Branch ISD, or Houston ISD
- Must be applying to a four-year college or university anywhere in the United States
- Must have successfully completed either the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or the TASFA (Texas Application for State Financial Aid).
- Student is ineligible for this scholarship if she has already received a full university scholarship that covers tuition, books, room and board, and transportation.
Before you begin, be sure you have a .pdf version of each one of the following:
- An Official 7-semester high school transcript (MUST show your name at the top, MUST include your Senior Fall semester and MUST include the Registrar’s Signature). Please allow sufficient time to request and receive your official transcript from your school registrar.
- Your SAT and/or ACT scores
- Either one of these two documents: Your FAFSA-Student Aid Report (SAR) showing parents’ income and EFC (Expected Family Contribution); or A copy of your TASFA
- A resumé detailing your high school and extra curricular activities, volunteer work, and honors or recognitions you have received. Also include any summer or part time employment. For each activity, include: the name of the organization/activity; number of years you participated; major offices held and for how long; any significant contributions.
- An essay of no more than 250 words describing your educational goals, STEM career aspirations for the future, and your long-term goals.
NOTE: For any problems submitting the application or uploading your documents, please send an email describing the issue to:
Scholarship Award: A one-time scholarship per recipient of $3,500. Three (3) scholarships will be awarded. One to a female student in each of these districts: Alief I.S.D., Houston I.S.D. and Spring Branch I.S.D. Recipient is encouraged to attend and be recognized at an AAUW Awards Luncheon in May or June. Award money is sent directly to the College or University after proof of enrollment is received.
Completing the Application: Online application will open February 1st 2024. Check back on or after that date for a live link to application.
Remember: you must be able to complete the application in one session. You must have all required documents created and in .pdf format ready to upload. In addition to those required .pdf documents, you must be able to enter the contact information for your parent/guardian, a list of any additional awards or scholarships you have recently received, and a list of all colleges/universities to which you have applied.
This webpage was last modified: May 1, 2024