Expanding Your Horizons in Science and Mathematics ™


We did it again West Harris County Branch!! The 27th EXPANDING YOUR HORIZONS Conference took place on February 23, 2019, at Spring Forest Middle School. It was an enormous success! We had over 400 girls attend and there was so much enthusiasm and engagement in all the workshops. And of course, everyone was completely enchanted by our keynote speaker, the sculptor Bridgette Mongeon.
Thank you, Bridgette!

Thank you to the EYH 2019 Committee which worked so hard to bring this all together to make it the success that it was. Our EYH 2019 Committee: Sharon Jorgeson, Diana Guarniere, Mary Kain, Rose Ennis, Carolyn Morris, Mary Anderson, Karen North, Susan Boone, Pam Doan, Pat Dach, Mary Peterson, Laura Cahill, Lisa Buckner, Margaret Carlson, Pat Farnell, Susanne Dalati, Diane Statham, Carolyn Stoffel, Gail Rickey, Brenda Moss, and Debbie Campbell.

And a big thank you as well to the members of West Harris County Branch for their support and in volunteering their time and hard work in this huge endeavor.

West Harris County Branch AAUW Expanding Your Horizons is now set up as a SmileAmazon charity. With every qualified purchase you make at Smile.Amazon.com, our Expanding Your Horizons will receive .05%. Prime members, no worries, you will continue to have the same benefits. All you need to do is logon to smile.amazon.com and get started. Here is a site that will answer all your questions about the program: http://smile.amazon.com/gp/chpf/about/.

Lilian Care, 2019 EYH Chair


Thanks for your support.

See EYH Website for more information…eyhhouston.org

Lilian Care, 2017-2019 EYH Chair