AAUW Funds

Be inspired to help advance AAUW’s mission to break through educational and economic barriers so that all women and girls have a fair chance to realize their potential. And contribute to AAUW Greatest Needs Fund (or others) to help further our national mission by going to aauw.org and using your credit card, preferred as fast, convenient, and safe.

Use the following steps as detailed at westharriscounty-tx.aauw.net/funds/:

To summarize those steps –

  1. Go to aauw.org and log in.
  2. In the left menu click on My Affiliations, confirm West Harris County as your Primary Branch,
  3. click the big red DONATE button (AFTER you prove you are not a robot!  This box is BELOW the donate button), and
  4. continue with your donation.

For help with the instructions on the WHC website link above, or to donate to AAUW National Funds by check, contact either Helen or Maureen.

2024-2025 AAUW Funds Vice Presidents,
Helen Santire& Maureen Kraker


Now it’s even easier to support women and girls both locally and nationally. In keeping with our $6 million reasons mentioned in the September issue, our branch website now has step-by-step instructions for tagging WHC when you donate to a national fund.  (see steps below)

Even more exciting, our local Thomsen-Baker-Telfer Scholarship Fund now accepts donations through Zelle. See the Fall Ball invitation on the next page for details!

Nationally separate fund managed by AAUW headquarters in Washington, D.C., will provide almost $6 million in national grants and fellowships during this academic year, as well as several other important national efforts funded through member donations. Volunteer WHC board members Debbie Campbell and Diane Statham facilitate donations to the national fund.

Credit Cards Save Time, Increase Accuracy
The WHC board of directors encourages those of us who wish to support national funds to donate via credit card. Why? Simply by using a credit card, more or less as you would for Amazon purchases, you get an instant receipt showing which national fund you’re supporting! You also save yourself and local volunteers Debbie and Diane about 10 extra steps per donation — as well as the possibility of human error (and identity theft) at each extra step.

Remember these simple steps to keep WHC on the leaderboard! Earlier this year, National completely revised the aauw.org website. Follow the steps below to make sure that your donations are associated with West Harris County Branch:

Step 1. Before you click the big red DONATE button on aauw.org, log in.

Step 2. Check My Affiliations (left menu) to make sure West Harris County is your Primary Branch. (If necessary, click the three little dots (…) in the blue box and choose SET AS PRIMARY. You may need to refresh your screen or wait for this change to take effect.)

Step 3. Click the DONATE button and continue with your donation.

Step 4. Choose the fund that appeals to you. Note that National has requested that we support the Greatest Needs Fund.

Step 5. Next to Additional Emails: Enter the gmail address pictured below and make sure it does not disappear. This sends a copy of your receipt to both Debbie and Diane; the receipt does not show your credit card information. Why? This may be the only record that WHC receives regarding your donation to National.

Step 6. Finish your donation, and watch your email for a receipt from aauw.org (for tax purposes, for example). If that email does not cc the gmail address pictured above, (Debbie & Diane), please forward a copy to that address so that they have some record of your donation.

While WHC does not receive any of the money you donate to National, all Texas branches participate in a healthy competition for the highest amount of donations by dollar amount and per capita. Adding the steps above keeps WHC near the top of these leaderboards!

Finally, as you enjoy gathering for book groups and other branch activities, please mention these improvements. Will Debbie and Diane still accept checks? Yes, we are here to help, but remember… this year alone, we have $6 million reasons to C h a r g e! ahead.

 Helen Santire and Maureen Kraker
2024-2025 AAUW Funds Vice-Presidents

AAUW Greatest Needs Fund (9110)

Every gift to AAUW makes a difference — but your dollars go furthest when you donate to the AAUW Greatest Needs Fund or our strategic focus areas. This fund allows AAUW to respond rapidly, in our communications and advocacy, to critical issues affecting women as they emerge — whether it’s a new threat to Title IX, an opportunity to partner with employers, or the dawn of a social justice movement like #MeToo. When donations are not restricted to fellowships or specific projects, we have the dollars we need to pivot as the national dialogue shifts — and get our work covered by major media outlets such as the New York Times, CNN and Fortune.

Greatest Needs is also what fuels our groundbreaking research and effective advocacy work to pass fair-pay laws and other key equity legislation.

Giving to Greatest Needs is a great way to ensure AAUW’s continued visibility, relevance and sustainability. On the donation form, please select “Use my gift where it’s needed most” to contribute to this important fund.

Legal Advocacy Fund (3999)

The Legal Advocacy Fund (LAF) works to challenge sex discrimination in higher education and the workplace. Resources range from community outreach programs to backing of major cases.

Sex discrimination today takes a variety of forms: unfair pay, pregnancy discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and violations of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 which can affect both women and men. LAF addresses these barriers by informing people of their rights and using the legal system to seek justice and change.

LAF is involved with a number of gender related issues. Women workers denied promotions at Wal-Mart, military veteran survivors of sexual assault, and college/university staff who are experiencing unfair pay are some of the plaintiffs AAUW assists through the case support program.

More information can be found by clicking the following link.

Education & Training For Women (4450)

Addresses the barriers that prevent women from thriving in school and pursuing the careers of their dreams. That means championing equal access to education and ensuring women can learn in environments free from harassment and discrimination.

The Foundation’s cornerstone has always been the remarkable energy and commitment of AAUW members, other individuals, corporations, and foundations that make contributions and help raise money for the Foundation’s work.

Leadership Initiatives for Women (4452)

Supports the effort to bolster the number of women in top roles across industries by addressing systematic biases and giving women the skills and resources they need to lead.

Economic Security for Women  (4449)

Promotes women’s livelihoods through advocacy for fair-pay legislation, researching the pay gap, training women to negotiate for the salaries they deserve, and advising employers on fostering fair cultures.